
Get the latest updates, some fun facts, and all things tech for the world of Consumer Product Goods. We bring to you a combination of technological advancements coupled with AI ML-powered algorithms to boost your sales.

  • Planogram Compliance 101: How to Ensure Your Products Shine on the Shelf

    Your planogram is more than just a layout; it’s a strategic asset that significantly influences your sales performance. A well-designed planogram
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  • Streamlining the Order-to-Cash Process in Consumer Goods

    In consumer goods distribution operations, the order-to-cash (O2C) process stands as a critical pillar, encompassing everything from receiving a customer’s purchase
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  • Avoiding Critical Pitfalls in Trade Promotion Management

    Trade promotions are a vital component of marketing strategies for businesses in the retail, CPG (consumer packaged goods), and manufacturing sectors.
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  • Harnessing Image Recognition Technology: A Game-Changer for Modern Retail

    In 2023, CGP retailers faced a staggering 7.4% loss in sales, amounting to $82 billion in missed revenue due to stock-outs.
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  • A Complete Guide to Route Optimization Solution for Consumer Goods Companies

    The consumer goods game is all about speed and efficiency! And this is where Dynamic Route Optimization (DRO) is here to
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  • Eyes on the Aisles: Overcoming Barriers to Retail Image Recognition Success

    The retail market for AI solutions will surge to $23.32 billion by 2027 from $5.06 billion in 2021, and especially computer
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  • Trade Promotions Decoded: Strategies for Sustainable Growth for Consumer Goods Companies

    Trade promotions in the consumer goods industry are increasingly being driven by technological advancements and innovations.
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  • preseller strategies

    Maximizing CPG Sales: Leveraging Field Force Automation and Pre-Selling Strategies

    Every morning at supermarkets, field force agents walk around the stores with their tablets, checking inventory and placing orders for low-stock
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  • Distribution management system

    A Guide for CPG Brands to Eliminate Stockouts and Boost Efficiency with DMS Solutions

    CPG companies face significant challenges regarding inventory control, especially avoiding stockouts. However, by implementing a DMS solution, businesses can overcome these
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  • Image Recognition Technology in 2024

    The Future of Retail Execution with Image Recognition Technology in 2024

    The growth of image recognition technology has been substantial in the last few years, and it continues to evolve rapidly, driven
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  • Features of Distribution Management System

    Top 8 Features of Distribution Management System for Improved CPG Operations and Supply Chain Management

    In the ever-evolving landscape of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industries, efficient distribution management is crucial for success…
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  • Integrated Three-tier Distribution Platform

    Scaling up CPG Business with an Integrated Three-tier Distribution Platform

    Consumer goods distributors continue to struggle with balancing the manufacturer’s challenges of talent, supply, and demand while managing large teams…
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